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ECPI Water

ECPI bukan ubat atau dadah tapi adalah gabungan 2 tenaga. Tenaga jisim yang berion, beroksigen, RO Diamond, Clustered halus lagi suci, ozon, beralkali, bermineral, berkolid digabungkan dengan inprint tenaga gelombang yang mampu menghindarkan penyakit dan kekal sihat dari hujung rambut hingga hujung kaki. Lebih tenaga, lebih cantik.


Semua di alam ini secara umumnya adalah tenaga, dan semua jenis tenaga dikawal oleh lapangan data maklumat (IDF-Intrinsic Data Fields). Tenaga wujud sebagai potensi dan melalui pergerakan, kawasan dicipta, dimana membolehkan penghantaran, penyerapan dan penyediaan arah tenaga.

Tenaga juga wujud tanpa disedari dalam diri(jiwa), dalam fikiran, rasa, aliran tenaga dan sebagai daya graviti. Dalam fizik, tenaga wujud sebagai jisim, dan pertukaran tenaga adalah komunikasi. Bunyi, cahaya, haba, kemagnetan, warna, dan elektrik, semua adalah jenis dari sumber tenaga yang sama. Jenis ini cuma berbeza dari segi frekuensi dan medium(perantaraan), melalui tempat di mana ia dijalankan.

Jadi, Air ECPI..

Bukan sekadar Air Minuman

Bukan sekadar Mineral Water

Bukan sekadar Air Reverse Osmosis

Bukan sekadar Air Beroksigen

Bukan sekadar Air Beralkali

Bukan sekadar Air Ber'ion'

Bukan sekadar Air Berozon

Bukan sekadar Air Ultra Violet

Bukan sekadar Air Tenaga

Tapi, Air ECPI ..
adalah air untuk hidup dengan ribuan nilai terapi untuk keseimbangan tenaga badan dan memberikan kesihatan keseluruhan..

ECPI (Electro Clustered Positive Ion) Drinking Water merupakan rangkaian produk yang menggunakan teknology hf. Minuman yang dirumus khas untuk membantu mengeluarkan toksin dari dalam tubuh badan.Fakta ECPI Drinking Water :-




  • Halus (0.001 - 0.004 micron) atau 2500 kali ganda dari saiz SEL DARAH MERAH
  • Bersih, suci & disahkan HALAL (MS ISO15002004)
  • Alkali (pH 7.3 - 8.5)
  • Mengandungi oksigen 20% lebih tinggi dari air biasa
  • Mengandungi nano colloid Mengandungi 1732 caj tenaga ERF (125,000 kali ganda berbanding saiz nano






Lihat perbezaan bacaan gula dalam darah selepas sejam meminum air

Bertindak balas cepat terhadap sebarang permasalahan kesihatan. Lihat perubahan terhadap simptom.

Merangsang tambahan tenaga serta menghilangkan keletihan dengan cepat

Beri minuman dan sapu kepala dengan air ECPI dan berdoa untuk kesembuhan.

Rokok akan berubah rasa selepas diletakan selama 15-20 minit.

Tapak tangan anda akan menjadi lebih kemerahan selepas beberapa minit meminum air ECPI.

Amalkan mencuci muka dengan air ECPI. Kulit akan menjadi bertambah muda dan segar.

ECPI mampu membantu mengatasi masalah obesiti kaedah mudah dan selamat.


1. Tubuh badan kehilangan bendalir / air di dalam tubuh di antara 6-8 gelas sehari dan ia wajib diganti 8-10 gelas atau 2.5-3.0 liter sehari.
2. Tubuh badan memerlukan air yang halus, suci, beroksigen tinggi, berkolid, nano-mineral, berakali, diamond clustered dan mengandungi tenaga therepeutic seperti air ECPI atau air zam-zam.
3. Kekurangan air boleh mengganggu fungsi organ dan akhirnya membunuh.
4. Merangsang tenaga yang diperlukan oleh tubuh badan.
5. Menghasilkan tenaga elektrik dan tenaga mekanikal yang diperlukan oleh sel.
6. Membentuk ikatan kukuh struktur sel.
7. Menghindar dan menbaiki kerosakkan DNA yang tidak normal.
8. Merangsang sistem imun.
9. Bertindak sebagai pelarut / bendalir yang membantu proses penhadaman.
10. Memberi tenaga kepada makanan untuk proses penhadaman.
11. Meningkatkan kadar penyerapan bahan penting yang terdapat di dalam makanan.
12. Membantu proses pengankutan semua bahan di dalam tubuh.
13. Meningkatkan kemampuan sel darah merah mengumpul oksigen.
14. Membawa oksigen ke dalam sel dan membawa gas buangan keluar.
15. Mengeluarkan semua sisa-sisa toksid dari seluruh badan.
16. Bertindak melicinkan kawasan sendi dan menghindarkan sakit sendi dan sakit belakang.
17. Membina kekuatan tulang rangka.
18. Membantu mengatasi masalah sebelit.
19. Membantu mengatasi masalah serangan jantung dan angin ahmar.
20. Membantu mengatasi masalah penyempitan saluran jantung dan otak.
21. Sangat berkesan di dalam membantu sistem penyejukan badan, perpeluhan dan pemanasan badan.
22. Membekalkan tenaga elektrik bagi merangsang fungsi otak.
23. Sangat diperlukan oleh hormon terutamanya neuro tranmiter termasuk serotonin.
24. Sangat diperlukan bagi menghasilkan hormon otak termasuk melatonin.
25. Menghindar dan mengatasi sindrom kurang perhatian.
26. Menambah tenaga.
27. Mempunyai ciri terbaik dan boleh diminum tanpa kesan sampingan.
28. Membantu mengurangkan stress dan kemurungan.
29. Mampu mengatasi masalah tidur.
30. Mengekalkan awet muda.
31. Memperbaiki tahap penglihatan.
32. Merangsang sistem pembuatan darah.
33. Merangsang sistem pembuatan darah dan mengelakkan masalah luekimia dan lymphoma.
34. Menjadikan sistem imunisasi lebih efektif.
35. Melarut serta mengelakkan pembekuan darah serta mengstabilkan viscosity, isipadu dan tekanan darah.
36. Mengatasi masalah senggugut.
37. Memulihkan sistem penghasilan darah.
38. Mengatasi masalah pemendapan di dalam saluran darah.
39. Mengatasi masalah kekurangan air badan dan kehausan.
40. Meningkatkan kemampuan tubuh menghasilkan hormon seks dan mengatasi masalah lemah syhawat.
41. Memisahkan sensasi lapar dan dahaga.
42. Mengatasi masalah berat badan.
43. Membersih mendapan pada sel, tisu, ruang sendi, buah pinggang, hati, otak dan kulit.44. Mengurangkan kesakitan sewaktu kehamilan.
45. Membantu mengurangkan masalah keguguran.
46. Mengkoordinasi fungsi otak dan badan bagi meningkatkan kecekapan berfikir dan bertindak.
47. Mampu mengatasi masalah alzheimer, multiple scleross, parkinson, dan penyakit berkaitan disorder saraf dan otak.
48. Memulihkan ketagihan berkaitan kafein, alkohol, dan beberapa jenis dadah.
49. Meningkatkan sistem imun serta mewujudkan beberapa lapisan daya tahan.
50. Mengkoordinasi seluruh tubuh badan dan mampu mengubati setiap jenis penyakit.
51. Minuman berfungsi tinggi untuk tenaga, kesihatan dan kecantikan.


(Fluctuation of weather and pains on upper and lower limbs)
Drink approx. 3 liters of ECPI Water for 3 to 4 weeks. Prevent or relieve the pain and swelling.

(Dizziness, coldness on upper and lower limbs [numbness])
Drink approx. 3 liters of ECPI Water for 2 to 3 weeks.

(Breathlessness, difficult in breathing, wheezing)
Drink 3 liters of ECPI Water for 2 to 3 weeks.

(Rashes on the skin, itchiness)
Bathe with ECPI Water and drink approx. 3 liter daily

Aliments of the mouth
(Pain, white spot)
Drink approx. 3 liters of ECPI Water for mouth ulcers and sore throats gargle with ECPI water.

(Difficulty in bowel movement)
Drink approx. 3 liters ECPI Water. For best result drink ECPI Water before breakfast and dinner.

Detoxification Agent
(Headache, insomnia, fatigue, stress)
To maintain healthiness, drink approx. 2 liters ECPI Water. For best result drink ECPI Water early on the morning, after meal and before go to bed.

(Lack of energy, feeling fatigue, hungry and thirsty, lots of urination)
Drink 3 liters of ECPI Water for 3 to 4 weeks. The blood sugar level might be increase (certain cases) for few days as a effect of healing crisis but patient will more energize. The effective of treatment can be observed by progress improvement of general symptom.

(A temperature 1° or more above the normal 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 37 degrees Celsius)
Drink ECPI Water for approx. 3 liters daily

(Distention of stomach, pain)
Drink approx. 3 liter ECPI Water for 3 to 4 weeks

Hypertension Or High Blood Pressure
(Feeling giddiness easy to be tried, numbness in upper and lower limbs)
Drink approx. 3 liter of ECPI Water for 3 to 4 weeks

(cloudy cornea, one eye becoming larger than the other, excessive tearing, light sensitivity, excessive blinking, strabismus, decreased vision)
Drink ECPI Water for approx. 3 liter daily

(Loss of appetite, have low-grade fever, yellow hue to your skin and the cornea of your eyes becomes yellow)
Drink approx. 3 liter of ECPI Water for 3 to 4 weeks.

Intoxication of drunkenness
Drink approx. 3 liter of ECPI Water will become sober.

Kidney problem
(Fatigue, swollen legs frequent urinations)
Drink ECPI Water for approx. 3 liter daily.

Kidney & Gallbladder Stone
(Pain in loins, difficulty in urination, flatulence)
Drink ECPI Water for approx. 3 liter daily will excrete uric acid.

(Headache acute headache during menstrual period)
Drink approx. 3 liter of ECPI Water for 3 to 4 weeks to relieve the pain.

Menstrual pain
(Bacterial infection, irregular menstruation giddiness and menstrual pain)
Drink approx. 3 liter of ECPI Water and maintain cleanliness and hygiene

(Increased weight, Increased BMI, Increased abdominal girth, Secondary medical complications)
Drink ECPI Water for approx. 3 liter daily.

(Occasional, rhythmic tremors in the fingers, hands, arms, legs, jaw, or face, Rigidity in the arms, legs, neck, or torso, Slowness of movement, Trouble with balance and coordination, Difficulty speaking, Feeling "down in the dumps," overly tired, and irritable)
Drink ECPI Water for approx. 3 liter daily.

(Heat syndrome caused by liver heat retention, endocrine disorder)
Drink approx. 3 liter of ECPI Water for 2 to 3 weeks. Wash you face with ECPI Water 3 times per day.

(Anal pain, discharge blood while eliminating the bowel)
Drink approx. 3 liter of ECPI Water and clean the anal with ECPI Water

(Reddish marginated patches with profuse silvery scaling on extensor surfaces)
Drink approx. 3 liter of ECPI Water for 2 to 3 weeks. Wash the skin effected with ECPI Water 3 times per day.

(Headache, Bad breath, Fever, Yellow or greenish discharge from nose, Tooth pain, Reduce sense of taste or smell)
Drink ECPI Water for approx. 3 liter daily.

(Frustrations, Conflicts, Pressures)
Drink ECPI Water for approx. 3 liter daily.

(Fatigue and weakness, Low basal temperature, Dry and coarse skin, Hair loss, Cold hands and feet, Weight gain, Insomnia, Heavy menstrual periods Constipation, Depression, Poor memory, forgetfulness, dementia, Nervousness and tremors, Immune system problems)
Drink ECPI Water for approx. 3 liter daily.


Combinations a few water treatment systems to produce the best quality water needed by the human body. Below is a combination of water treatment used to produce ECPI Water:

Reverse osmosis
Alkaline Treatment
Ultra violet

1. Reverse Osmosis (RO) Treatment.

 Reverse osmosis (RO) has become a common method for the treatment of household drinking water supplies. Effectiveness of RO units depends on initial levels of contamination and water pressure. RO treatment may be used to reduce the levels of:

Naturally occurring substances that cause water supplies to be unhealthy or unappealing (foul tastes, smells or colors).

Substances that have contaminated the water supply resulting in possible adverse health effects or decreased desirability.

RO systems are typically used to reduce the levels of total dissolved solids and suspended matter.


2. Oxygenated Water

Oxygen and water are essential elements for the proper functioning of the body. Water usually contains anywhere between 1 to 10 ppm (parts per million) of dissolved oxygen. Oxygenated water contains extra levels of oxygen to be dissolved and stabilized. Obviously, the digestive system cannot process oxygen into the blood stream as fast as the respiratory system. But drinking oxygenated water can supplement your oxygen supply and thereby help to maximize the oxygen saturation in your blood. This is going to optimize metabolic function. Extra oxygen will improve physical stamina, better sleep, intestinal cleansing and more energy.

ECPI water has 20% more oxygen than normal water. Currently, a bottle of 500ml oxygenated water cost RM3. ECPI water has more benefits (other than oxygen) for the same amount of price and volume.

3. Alkaline Water

pH (the power, or potential, of Hydrogen) = the unit that indicates the hydrogen density of acid and alkaline water. Water becomes acidic with increased hydrogen ions (H+), and alkaline with increased hydroxyl ions (-OH). Every living cell within our body creates waste products. The nutrients from our food are delivered to each cell and they burn with oxygen to provide energy for us to live. The burned nutrients are the waste products. Whether you eat the best of foods or the worst, all foods generate waste products. Foods are classified as good or bad for you are based on the amount and quality of the waste products it produces. Most of our cells go through metabolism and these old dead cells also become waste products.


 These waste products become solid wastes, such as, cholesterol, fatty acid, kidney stones, etc, and, unknown to us they accumulate and build up somewhere within our body. This accumulation of non-disposed acidic wastes within our body accelerates the aging process. Alkaline water helps our body's acid wastes and makes it easier for the body to dispose of them. The accumulation of wastes accelerates the aging process; the reduction of acid wastes retards the aging process maybe even reversing it. Alkaline water is not a medicine to treat or cure any diseases but if consumed regularly, alkaline water reduces the acid wasted, allowing a natural health improvement.


pH for ECPI water is 7.3 to 8.5 and tested using electronic instrument called pH meter. Liquid pH test kit will not provide accurate result as the electronic instrument on ECPI water.


 4. Ionize Treatment

Ionization simply means to gain or loose an electron. Water that has been ionized becomes either alkaline or acidic, meaning that the pH has been adjusted up or down.

Ionized Water is a liquid antioxidant, balances body pH because it is very alkaline and has a different molecular cluster size. It contains only five to six water molecules instead of the ten to thirteen that conventional water molecule clusters have. It has changed from an irregular shape that is 10-13 molecules to a hexagonal regular shape that is half the size. This smaller or "reduced" water is much more hydrating than conventional water.


5. Ozone Treatment

Ozone has greater disinfection effectiveness against bacteria and viruses compared to chlorination. In addition, the oxidizing properties can also reduce the concentration of iron, manganese, sulfur and reduce or eliminate taste and odor problems. Ozone oxides the iron, manganese, and sulfur in the water to form insoluble metal oxides or elemental sulfur. These insoluble particles are then removed by post-filtration. Organic particles and chemicals will be eliminated through either coagulation or chemical oxidation. Ozone is unstable, and it will degrade over a time frame ranging from a few seconds to 30 minutes. The rate of degradation is a function of water chemistry, pH and water temperature.


6. Ultraviolet Ray Treatment

Ultra-violet (UV) treatment is the disinfection process of passing water by a special light source. The ultra-violet rays, similar to the sun’s UV but stronger, alter the nucleic acid (DNA) of viruses, bacteria, molds or parasites, so that they cannot reproduce and are considered inactivated. UV treatment does not alter the water chemically as nothing is added except energy. UV is known to be highly effective against bacteria, viruses, algae, molds and yeasts.


7. Activated Carbon/Charcoal Water Filtration

Activated carbon or also known as activated charcoal is carbon which has a slight electro-positive charge added to it, making it more attractive to chemicals and impurities. As the water passes over the positively charged carbon surface, the negative ions of the contaminants are drawn to the surface of the carbon granules. It is used to reduce or eliminate bad tastes and odors, chlorine, and many organic contaminants in chlorinated water supplies to produce a significantly improved drinking water.


8. Electro Clustered Water Processing

In this process, water molecules are broken down into small, stable molecular ring and chain "clusters." These “clusters” are able to move more freely through cell membranes, helping to carry nutrients and expelling waste products with much greater ease and speed than ordinary water. In other way, it act as a catalyst agent for detoxification process .

ECPI water molecule size is 0.001 to 0.004 micron. Much smaller than the red blood cell!


9. Electromagnetic Wave Treatment/ Electronic Coding

This is the process which made ECPI water a unique water. In the production of ECPI Water, physic methodology is used whereby all energy wave patterns from any natural substance can be digitally coded and transmitted into a media. In the case of ECPI Water, energy wave pattern from substance such as food supplements, organ code etc are transmitted into ECPI Water molecule. The energy wave pattern which has been bombarded in ECPI Water molecule will form a chain of stable memory pattern. This technology will not only produced by the best quality water needed by our body system but gained a high therapeutic effect and essential for body health. ECPI Water molecule which has been digitally coded with stable energy pattern is the most unique water ever produced in the world and safe for drinking by all age groups.

ECPI water has been digitally coded with 1732 energy wave pattern which represent substance that are historically proven good to increase healthiness.



ECPI Water able to do the followings;

1. Able to penetrate the intra cellular cell wall
2. Enhance body detoxification
3. Contain electrolyte needed by human body
4. Contain more than 100 pro advanced functional food
5. Enhance organ function
6. Enhance physical vitality and overcome fatigue and tiredness
7. Contain pro multivitamin and pro hormone
8. Provide more oxygen to cells
9. Helps to reduce obesity
10. Very good to control high blood and diabetes

When an individual consumes ECPI water orally, the Central Nervous System (CNS) will absorb the wave energy needed by the body. The selection of energy needed by the body is base on the potential difference process. When there is a potential difference, it means that it is not at the equilibrium state. Maknanya sakit la tu. The equilibrium state indicates the healthiness of the body. The wider the potential difference is, shows the individual’s depth of unhealthiness.

This artificial wave then will interfere through the law of coherent and the law of superposition, constructive and destructive interference and damping off process. Therefore, at the receptor site, the individual will experience a certain degree of pain, whereby the pain will gradually increase before the pain wave diminishes which means recovery process has started. Di sini yang kita panggil "healing crisis" atau krisis pemyembuhan. Pada peringkat ini, kita seharusnya meneruskan minum air ECPI untuk membantu proses penyembuhan dengan kadar yang cepat.

Electronic Medication is the combination of Constructive Wave Interference, Destructive Wave Interference, Law of Superposition and Damping Off energy. It is not only a superposition of energy waves but also a process of damping off the disease wave (The symptom appears). Perlu diingatkan, tujuan kita ialah sembuh/pulih dari penyakit dan bukannya menghilang kesan/simptom dari sakit tersebut. Constructive Wave Interference is used when the patient’s organ do not function properly. Destructive Wave Interference is used when the patient is with disease. The damping off disease wave differs between Electronic Medication and Homeopathy.